CURRENT REGION: Children North 306-425-6600

Specialized Support

“An obstacle is often just a stepping stone”

Children North Family Support Centre has developed a program to serve the needs of children between the ages of 6 and 17, with treaty status, on or off reserve with special needs. 

The aim of the program is to work cooperatively with families and educational facilities to ensure the child receives the best opportunities to succeed in school.  

Our role will vary from client to client as we ensure that all of the students we work with have equal opportunities to be successful in attending school.  We will identify the barriers a  client is facing and address those barriers with the help of the family and the school in a cooperative manner, placing the needs of the student above all. 

Specialized Support Facilitator (SSF)
Clients will have access to a SSF who will work with families and schools to provide support, advocate for and ensure the students receive the level of care needed to attend and be successful in school

This program is for children who meet the following criteria: 

Who have hgh needs such as:

Service Coordination Includes

If you know a student who is struggling at school due to physical, mental or emotional challenges or barriers, please contact us!


ECIP organizations share the vision that “All families have the capacity to meet the developmental needs of their children within the community of their choice.”

About ECIP


  • Enhance childhood development.
  • Identify family needs and strengths.
  • Support and empower families.
  • Provide links to community services.

Core Services


ECIP is a nonprofit organization funded through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, Health Canada and through donations and grants.

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